Aquifer exemptions.

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§ 147.2554 Aquifer exemptions.

In accordance with §§ 144.7(b) and 146.4 of this chapter, those portions of aquifers currently being used for injection in connection with Class II (oil and gas) injection operations on the Wind River Reservation, which are described below, are hereby exempted for the purpose of Class II injection activity. This exemption applies only to the aquifers tabulated below, and includes those portions of the aquifers defined on the surface by an outer boundary of those quarter-quarter sections dissected by a line drawn parallel to, but one-quarter mile outside, the field boundary, and is restricted to extend no further than one-quarter mile outside the Reservation boundary. Maps showing the exact boundaries of the field may be consulted at the EPA's Region 8 Office, and at the EPA Headquarters in Washington, DC.

Expand Table

Areas To Be Exempted for the Purpose of Class II Injection on the Wind River Reservation

Formation Approximate depth Location
Steamboat Butte Field
Phosphoria 6,500-7,100 T3N, R1W - W/2 Sec. 4, Sec. 5, E/2 Sec. 6, NE/4 Sec. 8, W/2 Sec. 9.
T4N, R1W - W/2 Sec. 29, E/2 Sec. 30, E/2 Sec. 31, Sec. 32.
Tensleep 6,900-7,500 T3N, R1W - W/2 Sec. 4, Sec. 5, E/2 Sec. 6, NE/4 Sec. 8, W/2 Sec. 9.
T4N, R1W - W/2 Sec. 29, E/2 Sec. 30, E/2 Sec. 31, Sec. 32.
Winkleman Dome Field
Tensleep 2,800-3,300 T2N, R1W - SW/4 Sec. 17, Sections 18, 19, 20, 29, NE/4 Sec. 30.
T2N, R2W - E/2 Sec. 13, NE/4 Sec. 24.
Phosphoria 2,800-3,600 T2N, R1W - SW/4 Sec. 17, Sections 18, 19, 20, 29, NE/4 Sec. 30.
T2N, R2W - E/2 Sec. 13, NE/4 Sec. 24.
Nugget 1,100-1,500 T2N, R1W - SW/4 Sec. 17, Sections 18, 19, 20, 29, NE/4 Sec. 30.
T2N, R2W - E/2 Sec. 13, NE/4 Sec. 24.
Lander Field
Phosphoria 1,100-3,800 T2S, R1E - Sections 12 and 13, E/2 Sec. 24, NE/4 Sec. 25.
T2S, R2E - W/2 Sec. 18, W/2 Sec. 19, Sec. 30.
T33N, R99W - Sec. 4.
NW Sheldon Field
Crow Mountain and Cloverly 3,400-3,600 T6N, R3W - SE/4 Sec. 35, SW/4 Sec. 36.
T5N, R3W - N/2 Sec. 1.
Circle Ridge Field
Tensleep 1,500-1,800 T6N, R2W - Sec. 6, N/2 Sec. 7.
T7N, R3W - SE/4 Sec. 36.
T7N, R2W - SW/4 Sec. 31.
T6N, R3W - E/2 Sec. 1.
Phosphoria 800-1,800 T7N, R3W - S/2 Sec. 36.
T6N, R3W - NE/4 Sec. 1.
Amsden 700-l,200 T6N, R3W - Sec. 6.
Rolff Lake Field
Crow Mountain 3,500-3,700 T6N, R3W - SW/4 Sec. 26, NW/4 Sec. 27.

[53 FR 43092, Oct. 25, 1988]

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