Special conditions for section 301(h) modified permits.

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§ 125.68 Special conditions for section 301(h) modified permits.

Each section 301(h) modified permit issued shall contain, in addition to all applicable terms and conditions required by 40 CFR part 122, the following:

(a) Effluent limitations and mass loadings which will assure compliance with the requirements of this subpart;

(b) A schedule or schedules of compliance for:

(1) Pretreatment program development required by § 125.66(c);

(2) Nonindustrial toxics control program required by § 125.66(d); and

(3) Control of combined sewer overflows required by § 125.67.

(c) Monitoring program requirements that include:

(1) Biomonitoring requirements of § 125.63(b);

(2) Water quality requirements of § 125.63(c);

(3) Effluent monitoring requirements of §§ 125.60(b), 125.62(c) and (d), and 125.63(d).

(d) Reporting requirements that include the results of the monitoring programs required by paragraph (c) of this section at such frequency as prescribed in the approved monitoring program.

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