(a) An applicant for a Regular Upward Bound award must assure the Secretary that -
(1) Not less than two-thirds of the project's participants will be low-income individuals who are potential first-generation college students;
(2) The remaining participants will be low-income individuals, potential first-generation college students, or individuals who have a high risk for academic failure;
(3) No student will be denied participation in a project because the student would enter the project after the 9th grade; and
(4) The project will collaborate with other Federal TRIO projects, GEAR UP projects, or programs serving similar populations that are serving the same target schools or target area in order to minimize the duplication of services and promote collaborations so that more students can be served.
(b) An applicant for an Upward Bound Math and Science Centers award must assure the Secretary that -
(1) Not less than two-thirds of the project's participants will be low-income individuals who are potential first-generation college students;
(2) The remaining participants will be either low-income individuals or potential first-generation college students;
(3) No student will be denied participation in a project because the student would enter the project after the 9th grade; and
(4) The project will collaborate with other Federal TRIO projects, GEAR UP projects, or programs serving similar populations that are serving the same target schools or target area in order to minimize the duplication of services and promote collaborations so that more students can be served.
(c) An applicant for a Veterans Upward Bound award must assure the Secretary that -
(1) Not less than two-thirds of the project's participants will be low-income individuals who are potential first-generation college students;
(2) The remaining participants will be low-income individuals, potential first-generation college students, or veterans who have a high risk for academic failure; and
(3) The project will collaborate with other Federal TRIO projects or programs serving similar populations in the target area in order to minimize the duplication of services and promote collaborations so that more students can be served.
[75 FR 65786, Oct. 26, 2010]