What institutions are eligible to receive a grant under the HBCU Program?

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§ 608.2 What institutions are eligible to receive a grant under the HBCU Program?

(a) To be eligible to receive a grant under this part, an institution must -

(1) Satisfy section 322(2) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA);

(2) Be legally authorized by the State in which it is located -

(i) To be a junior or community college; or

(ii) To provide an educational program for which it awards a bachelor's degree; and

(3) Be accredited or preaccredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency or association.

(b) The Secretary has determined that the following institutions satisfy section 322(2) of the HEA.


Alabama A&M University-Huntsville

Alabama State University - Montgomery

Carver State Technical College - Mobile

Concordia College - Selma

Fredd State Technical College - Tuscaloosa

J.F. Drake State Technical College - Huntsville

S.D. Bishop State Junior College - Mobile

Lawson State College - Birmingham

Miles College - Birmingham

Oakwood College - Huntsville

Selma University - Selma

Stillman College - Tuscaloosa

Talladega University - Talladega

Trenholm State Technical College - Montgomery

Tuskegee University - Tuskegee


Arkansas Baptist College - Little Rock

Philander Smith College - Little Rock

Shorter College - Little Rock

University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff - Pine Bluff


Delaware State College - Dover

District of Columbia

Howard University

University of the District of Columbia


Bethune Cookman College - Daytona Beach

Edward Waters College - Jacksonville

Florida A&M University - Tallahassee

Florida Memorial College - Miami


Albany State College - Albany

Atlanta University - Atlanta

Clark College - Atlanta

Fort Valley State College - Fort Valley

Interdenominational Theological Center - Atlanta

Morehouse College - Atlanta

Morris Brown College - Atlanta

Paine College - Augusta

Savannah State College - Savannah

Spelman College - Atlanta


Kentucky State University - Frankfurt


Dillard University - New Orleans

Grambling State University - Grambling

Southern University A&M College - Baton Rouge

Southern University at New Orleans - New Orleans

Southern University at Shreveport - Shreveport

Xavier University of Louisiana - New Orleans


Bowie State College - Bowie

Coppin State College - Baltimore

Morgan State University - Baltimore

University of Maryland-Eastern Shore - Princess Anne


Lewis College of Business - Detroit


Alcorn State University - Lorman

Coahoma Junior College - Clarksdale

Jackson State University - Jackson

Mary Holmes College - West Point

Mississippi Valley State University - Itta Bena

Prentiss Normal and Industrial Institute - Prentiss

Rust College - Holly Springs

Tougaloo College - Tougaloo

Hinds Junior College (Utica Jr Coll) - Raymond


Lincoln University - Jefferson City

Harris-Stowe State College - St. Louis

North Carolina

Barber-Scotia College - Concord

Bennett College - Greensboro

Elizabeth City State University - Elizabeth City

Fayetteville State University - Fayetteville

Johnson C. Smith University - Charlotte

Livingstone College - Salisbury

North Carolina A&T State University - Greensboro

North Carolina Central University - Durham

Saint Augustine's College - Raleigh

Shaw University - Raleigh

Winston-Salem State University - Winston Salem


Central State University - Wilberforce

Wilberforce University - Wilberforce


Langston University - Langston


Cheyney State University - Cheyney

Lincoln University - Lincoln

South Carolina

Allen University - Columbia

Benedict College - Columbia

Claflin College - Orangeburg

Clinton Junior College - Rock Hill

Denmark Technical College - Denmark

Morris College - Sumter

South Carolina State College - Orangeburg

Voorhees College - Denmark


Fisk University - Nashville

Knoxville College - Knoxville

Lane College - Jackson

LeMoyne-Owen College - Memphis

Meharry Medical College - Nashville

Morristown College - Morristown

Tennessee State University - Nashville


Huston-Tillotson College - Austin

Jarvis Christian College - Hawkins

Paul Quinn College - Waco

Prairie View A&M University - Prairie View

Saint Philip's College - San Antonio

Southwestern Christian College - Terrell

Texas College - Tyler

Texas Southern University - Houston

Wiley College - Marshall

U.S. Virgin Islands

College of the Virgin Islands - St. Thomas


Hampton University - Hampton

Norfolk State University - Norfolk

Saint Paul's College - Lawrenceville

Virginia State University - Petersburg

Virginia Union University - Richmond

West Virginia

Bluefield State College - Bluefield

West Virginia State College - Institute

(c) If an institution identified in paragraph (b) of this section has merged with another institution, and, as a result of the merger, would not otherwise qualify to receive a grant under this part, that institution may nevertheless qualify to receive a grant under this part if -

(1) The institution would have qualified to receive a grant before the merger; and

(2) The institution was eligible to receive a grant under the Special Needs Program in any fiscal year prior to fiscal year 1986. (The Special Needs Program was authorized under Title III, Part B, of the HEA before 1986.)

(d) For the purpose of paragraph (a)(3) of this section, the Secretary publishes a list in the Federal Register of nationally recognized accrediting agencies and associations.

(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, for each fiscal year -

(1) The University of the District of Columbia is eligible to receive a grant under this part only if the amount of the grant it is scheduled to receive under § 608.31 exceeds the amount it is scheduled to receive in the same fiscal year under the District of Columbia Self-Government and Governmental Reorganization Act; and

(2) Howard University is eligible to receive a grant under this part only if the amount of the grant it is scheduled to receive under § 608.31 exceeds the amount it is scheduled to receive in the same fiscal year under the Act of March 2, 1867, 20 U.S.C. 123.

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