(a) Each eligible provider seeking a grant or contract must submit an application to the eligible agency containing the information and assurances listed below, as well as any additional information required by the eligible agency, including:
(1) A description of how funds awarded under this title will be spent consistent with the requirements of title II of AEFLA;
(2) A description of any cooperative arrangements the eligible provider has with other agencies, institutions, or organizations for the delivery of adult education and literacy activities;
(3) A description of how the eligible provider will provide services in alignment with the local workforce development plan, including how such provider will promote concurrent enrollment in programs and activities under title I, as appropriate;
(4) A description of how the eligible provider will meet the State-adjusted levels of performance for the primary indicators of performance identified in the State's Unified or Combined State Plan, including how such provider will collect data to report on such performance indicators;
(5) A description of how the eligible provider will fulfill, as appropriate, required one-stop partner responsibilities to -
(i) Provide access through the one-stop delivery system to adult education and literacy activities;
(ii) Use a portion of the funds made available under the Act to maintain the one-stop delivery system, including payment of the infrastructure costs for the one-stop centers, in accordance with the methods agreed upon by the Local Board and described in the memorandum of understanding or the determination of the Governor regarding State one-stop infrastructure funding;
(iii) Enter into a local memorandum of understanding with the Local Board, relating to the operations of the one-stop system;
(iv) Participate in the operation of the one-stop system consistent with the terms of the memorandum of understanding, and the requirements of the Act; and
(v) Provide representation to the State board;
(6) A description of how the eligible provider will provide services in a manner that meets the needs of eligible individuals;
(7) Information that addresses the 13 considerations listed in § 463.20; and
(8) Documentation of the activities required by § 463.21(b).
(b) [Reserved]