(a) In announcing competitions for grants and contracts, the Secretary gives priority consideration to -
(1) Initiatives focused on improving transition from education, including postsecondary education, to employment, particularly in competitive integrated employment, for youth who are individuals with significant disabilities.
(2) Supported employment, including community-based supported employment programs to meet the needs of individuals with the most significant disabilities or to provide technical assistance to States and community organizations to improve and expand the provision of supported employment services.
(3) Increasing competitive integrated employment for individuals with significant disabilities.
(b) In announcing competitions for grants and contracts, the Secretary may also identify one or more of the following as priorities -
(1) Expansion of employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities, as authorized in paragraph(s) of the definition of “vocational rehabilitation services” as stated in § 373.4.
(2) System change projects to promote meaningful access of individuals with disabilities to employment-related services under subtitle B of title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and under other Federal laws.
(3) Innovative methods of promoting achievement of high-quality employment outcomes.
(4) The demonstration of the effectiveness of early intervention activities in improving employment outcomes.
(5) Projects to find alternative methods of providing affordable transportation services to individuals with disabilities.
(6) Technical assistance to designated State units and their personnel in working with employers to identify competitive integrated employment opportunities and career exploration opportunities in order to facilitate the provision of vocational rehabilitation services and transition services for youth with disabilities and students with disabilities.
(7) Consultation, training and technical assistance to businesses that have hired or are interested in hiring individuals with disabilities.
(8) Technical assistance and training to designated State units and their personnel on establishment and maintenance of education and experience requirements, to ensure that the personnel have a 21st century understanding of the evolving labor force and the needs of individuals with disabilities.
(9) Technical assistance to State vocational rehabilitation agencies or State vocational rehabilitation units to improve management practices that will improve the provision of vocational rehabilitation services and increase competitive employment outcomes for individuals with disabilities.
(10) Other projects that will expand and improve the provision, extent, availability, scope, and quality of rehabilitation and other services under the Act or that further the purpose and policy of the Act as stated in sections 2(b) and (c) of the Act.
(c) In announcing competitions of grants and contract the Secretary may limit the priorities listed in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section to address one or more of the following factors:
(1) Age ranges.
(2) Types of disabilities.
(3) Types of services.
(4) Models of service delivery.
(5) Stages of the vocational rehabilitation process;
(6) Unserved and underserved populations.
(7) Unserved and underserved geographical areas.
(8) Individuals with significant disabilities.
(9) Low-incidence disability populations.
(10) Individuals residing in federally designated Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities.
(d) The Secretary may require that an applicant certify that the project does not include building upon or expanding activities that have previously been conducted or funded, for that applicant or in that service area.
(e) The Secretary may require that the project widely disseminate the methods of vocational rehabilitation service delivery or model proven to be effective, so that they may be adapted, replicated, or purchased under fee-for-service arrangements by State vocational rehabilitation agencies and other disability organizations in the project's targeted service area or other locations.