(a) The area. The waters of Corpus Christi Bay beginning at a point at latitude 27°49′15.0″ N, longitude 97°12′6.0″ W, thence southerly to latitude 27°49′7.3″ N, longitude 97°12′5.4″ W, thence south-southwesterly to latitude 27°49′01″ N, longitude 97°12′39.4″ W, thence west-northwesterly to latitude 27°49′02.4″ N, longitude 97°12′48.3″ W, thence north-northeasterly to latitude 27°49′16.5″ N, longitude 97°12′41.5″, thence easterly to latitude 27°49′17.0″ N, longitude 97°12′27.5″ W, thence easterly along the shoreline to the point of beginning.
(b) The regulations. Mooring, anchoring, fishing, recreational boating or any activity involving persons in the water shall not be allowed within the restricted area. Commercial vessels at anchor will be permitted to swing into the restricted area while at anchor and during tide changes.
(c) Enforcement. The regulations in this section shall be enforced by the Commanding Officer, Naval Station, Ingleside and such agencies as he/she shall designate.
[57 FR 46303, Oct. 8, 1992; 58 FR 6718, Feb. 2, 1993, as amended at 62 FR 17556, Apr. 10, 1997]