(a) The danger zone. An area directly from Camp Pendleton extending offshore as denied by lines drawn as follows: Beginning at latitude 36°49′00″ N., longitude 75°58′04″ W.; thence to latitude 36°49′19″ N., longitude 75°57′41″ W.; thence to latitude 36°49′21″ N., longitude 75°57′32″ W.; thence to latitude 36°49′13″ N., longitude 75°56′44″ W.; thence to latitude 36°49′22″ N., longitude 75°55′48″ W.; thence to latitude 36°49′12″ N., longitude 75°55′46″ W.; thence to latitude 36°49′02″ N., longitude 75°55′45″ W.; thence to latitude 36°48′52″ N., longitude 75°55′45″ W.; thence to latitude 36°48′54″ N., longitude 75°56′42″ W.; thence to latitude 36°48′41″ N., longitude 75°57′28″ W.; thence to latitude 36°48′41″ N., longitude 75°57′37″ W.; thence to latitude 36°48′57″ N., longitude 75°58′04″ W. The datum for these coordinates is WGS84.
(b) The regulations.
(1) Persons and vessels shall proceed through the area with caution and shall remain therein no longer than necessary for purpose of transit.
(2) When firing is in progress during daylight hours, red flags will be displayed at conspicuous locations on the beach. No firing will be done during the hours of darkness or low visibility.
(3) Firing on the ranges shall be suspended as long as any persons or vessels are within the danger zone.
(4) Lookout posts shall be manned by the activity or agency operating the firing range State Military Reservation, Camp Pendleton.
(5) There shall be no firing on the range during periods of low visibility which would prevent the recognition of a vessel (to a distance of 7,500 yards) which is property displaying navigation lights, or which would preclude a vessel from observing the red range flags or lights.
(c) Enforcement. The regulations in this section shall be enforced by the Adjutant General of Virginia, and such agencies as he or she may designate.
[81 FR 10088, Feb. 29, 2016]