The following is a special anchorage area: Beginning on the Okeechobee Intracoastal Waterway between mile marker 7 and 8 on the St. Lucie River, bounded by a line beginning at 27°12′06.583″ N, 80°15′33.447″ W; thence to 27°12′07.811″ N, 80°15′38.861″ W; thence to 27°12′04.584″ N, 80°15′41.437″ W; thence to 27°11′49.005″ N, 80°15′44.796″ W; thence to 27°11′47.99″ N, 80°15′44.78″ W; thence to 27°11′42.51″ N, 80°15′49.36″ W; thence to 27°11′41.40″ N, 80°15′47.70″ W; thence to 27°11′40.44″ N, 80°15′44.64″ W; thence to 27°11′43.49″ N, 80°15′40.74″ W; thence to 27°11′46.82″ N, 80°15′37.9647″ W; thence to 27°11′47.881″ N, 80°15′38.271″ W; thence back to the original point. All coordinates reference Datum NAD:83.
This area is principally used by recreational vessels. The mooring of vessels in this area is administered by the local Harbormaster, City of Stuart, Florida.
[CGD07-99-058, 65 FR 2877, Jan. 19, 2000, as amended by CGD07-03-110, 69 FR 5275, Feb. 4, 2004]