The waters between an unnamed cove and Pine Island.
(a) Beginning at a point on the shoreline of Avery Point at latitude 41°19′01.4″, longitude 072°03′42.8″; thence to a point in the cove at latitude 41°19′02.5″, longitude 72°03′36.2″; thence southeasterly to a point at latitude 41°18′56.2″, longitude 072°03′34.2″; thence northeasterly to latitude 41°19′02.5″, longitude 072°03′19.2″ thence terminating at the tip of Jupiter Point at latitude 41°19′04.4″, longitude 072°03′19.7″. DATUM: NAD 83
(b) Beginning at a point on the shoreline of Pine Island at latitude 41°18′47.1″, longitude 072°03′36.8″; thence northerly to latitude 41°18′54.1″, longitude 072°03′35.4″; thence northeasterly to a point at latitude 41°19′01.2″, longitude 072°03′19.3″; thence terminating at a point at latitude 41°18′54.0″, longitude 072°03′17.5″. DATUM: NAD 83
The areas designated by (a) and (b) are principally for the use of recreational vessels. Vessels shall be anchored so that part of the vessel obstructs the 135 foot wide channel. Temporary floats or buoys for marking the location of the anchor of a vessel at anchor may be used. Fixed mooring pilings or stakes are prohibited.
[CGD01-97-014, 63 FR 34815, June 26, 1998]