The area comprises that portion of the harbor lying between the extreme low water line and southwestward of a line bearing 336° from Marblehead Neck Light to a point on Peach Point at latitude 42°31′03″, longitude 70°50′30″.
The area is principally for use by yachts and other recreational craft. Temporary floats or buoys for marking anchors are allowed. Fixed mooring piles or stakes are prohibited. All moorings shall be so that no vessel, when anchored, shall at any time extend beyond the limits of the area. The anchoring of vessels and the placing of temporary moorings are under the jurisdiction and at the direction of the local harbormaster.
[CGFR 68-96, 33 FR 12550, Sept. 5, 1968; CGFR 68-157, 34 FR 1380, Jan. 29, 1969]