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§ 935.97 Garnishment.

(a) If a judgment debtor fails to satisfy a judgment in full within 60 days after the entry of judgment (or such other period as the Court may prescribe), the Court may, upon the application of the judgment creditor issue a writ of garnishment directed to any person having money or property in his possession belonging to the judgment debtor or owing money to the judgment debtor. The following are exempt from judgment:

(1) Ninety percent of so much of the gross wages as does not exceed $200 due to the judgment debtor from his employer.

(2) Eighty percent of so much of the gross wages as exceeds $200 but does not exceed $500 due to the judgment debtor from his employer.

(3) Fifty percent of so much of the gross wages as exceeds $500 due to the judgment debtor from his employer.

(b) The writ of garnishment shall be served on the judgment debtor and the garnishee and shall direct the garnishee to pay or deliver from the money or property owing to the judgment debtor such money or property as the Court may prescribe.

(c) The garnished amount shall be paid to the Clerk of the Court, who shall apply it as follows:

(1) First, to satisfy the costs of garnishment and court costs.

(2) Second, to satisfy the judgment.

(3) Third, the residue (if any) to the judgment debtor.

(d) Funds of the debtor held by the United States are not subject to garnishment.

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