Execution of judgment.

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§ 935.96 Execution of judgment.

(a) If, after 60 days after the date of entry of judgment (or such other period as the Court may prescribe), the judgment debtor has not satisfied the judgment, the judgment creditor may apply to the Court for grant of execution on the property of the judgment debtor.

(b) Upon a writ issued by the Court, any peace officer may levy execution on any property of the judgment debtor except -

(1) His wearing apparel up to a total of $300 in value;

(2) His beds, bedding, household furniture and furnishings, stove, and cooking utensils, up to a total of $300 in value; and

(3) Mechanics tools and implements of the debtor's trade up to a total of $200 in value.

(c) Within 60 days after levy of execution, a peace officer shall sell the seized property at public sale and shall pay the proceeds to the Clerk of the Court. The Clerk shall apply the proceeds as follows:

(1) First, to the reasonable costs of execution and sale and court costs.

(2) Second, to the judgment.

(3) Third, the residue (if any) to the debtor.

(d) In any case in which property has been seized under a writ of execution, but not yet sold, the property seized shall be released upon payment of the judgment, court costs, and the costs of execution.

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