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§ 935.91 Summons.

Upon the filing of a complaint, a Judge or Clerk of the Court shall issue a summons in the following form and deliver it for service to a peace officer or other person specifically designated by the Court to serve it:

In the Wake Island Court

[Civil Action No. ___]

________ (Plaintiff), vs. ________ (Defendant)


To the above-named defendant:

You are hereby directed to appear and answer the attached cause at ______ on ______ day of ___ 20 - , at ______ -.M. and to have with you all books, papers, and witnesses needed by you to establish any defense you have to said claim.

You are further notified that in case you do not appear, judgment will be given against you, for the amount of said claim, together with cost of this suit and the service of this order.

Dated: ______, 20 ______. (Clerk, Wake Island Court) ________

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