Activities for which permit is required.

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§ 935.152 Activities for which permit is required.

No person may engage in any of the following on Wake Island unless he has an island permit:

(a) Any business, commercial, or recreational activity conducted for profit, including a trade, profession, calling, or occupation, or an establishment where food or beverage is prepared, offered, or sold for human consumption (except for personal or family use).

(b) The practice of any medical profession, including dentistry, surgery, osteopathy, and chiropractic.

(c) The erection of any structure or sign, including a major alteration or enlargement of an existing structure.

(d) The burial of any human or animal remains, except that fish and bait scrap may be buried at beaches where fishing is permitted, without obtaining a permit.

(e) Keeping or maintaining an indigenous animal.

(f) Importing, storing, generating, or disposing of hazardous materials.

(g) Importing of solid wastes and importing, storing, generating, treating, or disposing of hazardous wastes, as they are defined in the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq., and its implementing regulations (40 CFR chapter I).

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