Motor vehicle maintenance and equipment.

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§ 935.140 Motor vehicle maintenance and equipment.

(a) Each person who has custody of a motor vehicle on Wake Island shall present that vehicle for periodic safety inspection, as required by the Commander.

(b) No person may operate a motor vehicle on Wake Island unless it is in a condition that the Commander considers to be safe and operable.

(c) No person may operate a motor vehicle on Wake Island unless it is equipped with an adequate and properly functioning -

(1) Horn;

(2) Wiper, for any windshield;

(3) Rear vision mirror;

(4) Headlights and taillights;

(5) Brakes;

(6) Muffler;

(7) Spark or ignition noise suppressors; and

(8) Safety belts.

(d) No person may operate a motor vehicle on Wake Island if that vehicle is equipped with a straight exhaust or muffler cutoff.

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