Revocation or suspension of permits and registrations.

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§ 935.13 Revocation or suspension of permits and registrations.

(a) The Commander may revoke or suspend any island permit or registration for cause, with or without notice.

(b) The holder of any revoked or suspended permit or registration may demand a personal hearing before the Commander within 30 days after the effective date of the revocation or suspension.

(c) If a hearing is demanded, it shall be granted by the Commander within 30 days of the date of demand. The applicant may appear in person and present such documentary evidence as is pertinent. The Commander shall render a decision, in writing, setting forth his reasons, within 30 days thereafter.

(d) If a hearing is not granted within 30 days, a written decision is not rendered within 30 days after a hearing, or the applicant desires to appeal a decision, he may, within 30 days after the latest of any of the foregoing dates appeal in writing to the General Counsel, whose decision shall be final.

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