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§ 935.110 Appeals.

(a) Any party to an action may, within 15 days after judgment, appeal an interlocutory order, issue of law, or judgment, except that an acquittal may not be appealed, by filing a notice of appeal with the Clerk of the Wake Island Court and serving a copy on the opposing party. Judgment is stayed while the appeal is pending.

(b) Upon receiving a notice of appeal with proof of service on the opposing party, the Clerk shall forward the record of the action to the Wake Island Court of Appeals.

(c) The appellant shall serve on the opposing party and file a memorandum setting forth his grounds of appeal with the Wake Island Court of Appeals within 15 days after the date of the judgment. The appellee may serve and file a reply memorandum within 15 days thereafter. An appeal and the reply shall be deemed to be filed when deposited in the U.S. mail with proper postage affixed, addressed to the Clerk, Wake Island Court of Appeals, at his address in Washington, DC. The period for filing an appeal may be waived by the Court of Appeals when the interests of justice so require.

(d) The Court of Appeals may proceed to judgment on the record, or, if the Court considers that the interests of justice so require, grant a hearing.

(e) The decision of the Court of Appeals shall be in writing and based on the record prepared by the Wake Island Court, on the proceedings before the Court of Appeals, if any be had, and on any memoranda that are filed. If the Court of Appeals considers the record incomplete, the case may be remanded to the Wake Island Court for further proceedings.

(f) The decision of the Court of Appeals is final.

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