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§ 935.11 Permits.

(a) Permits in effect on the dates specified in § 935.4 continue in effect until revoked or rescinded by the Commander. Permits issued by the Commander shall conform to the requirements of Air Force Instruction 32-9003 (Available from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.). No permit or registration shall be issued under other authority that is inconsistent with this part. The Commander may issue island permits or registration for -

(1) Businesses, including any trade, profession, calling, or occupation, and any establishment where food or beverages are prepared, offered, or sold for human consumption.

(2) Self-propelled motor vehicles, except aircraft, including attached trailers.

(3) Vehicle operators.

(4) Boats.

(5) Food handlers.

(6) Drugs, narcotics, and poisons.

(7) Construction.

(8) Burials.

(b) To the extent it is not inconsistent with this part, any permit or registration issued pursuant to Air Force directives or instructions as applicable to Wake Island shall constitute a permit or registration under this section, and no other permit or registration shall be required.

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