Motions and pleas.

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§ 935.103 Motions and pleas.

(a) Upon motion of the accused at any time after filing of the information or copy of citation, the Court may order the prosecutor to allow the accused to inspect and copy or photograph designated books, papers, documents, or tangible objects obtained from or belonging to the accused, or obtained from others by seizure or process, upon a showing that the items sought may be material to the preparation of his defense and that the request is reasonable.

(b) When the Court is satisfied that it has jurisdiction to try the accused as charged, it shall require the accused to identify himself and state whether or not he has counsel. If he has no counsel, but desires counsel, the Court shall give him a reasonable opportunity to procure counsel.

(c) When both sides are ready for arraignment, or when the Court determines that both sides have had adequate opportunities to prepare for arraignment, the Court shall read the charges to the accused, explain them (if necessary), and, after the reading or stating of each charge in Court, ask the accused whether he pleads “guilty” or “not guilty”. The Court shall enter in the record of the case the plea made to each charge.

(d) The accused may plead “guilty” to any or all of the charges against him, except that the Court may in its discretion refuse to accept a plea of guilty, and may not accept a plea without first determining that the plea is made voluntarily with understanding of the nature of the charge.

(e) The accused may plead “not guilty” to any or all of the charges against him. The Court shall enter a plea of not guilty if the answer of the accused to any charge is such that it does not clearly amount to a plea of guilty or not guilty.

(f) The accused may, at any stage of the trial, with the consent of the Court, change a plea of not guilty to one of guilty. The Court shall then proceed as if the accused had originally pleaded guilty.

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