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§ 935.102 Information.

(a) Any offense may be prosecuted by a written information signed by the Island Attorney. However, if the offense is one for which issue of a citation is authorized by this part and a citation for the offense has been issued, the citation serves as an information.

(b) A copy of the information shall be delivered to the accused, or his counsel, as soon as practicable after it is filed.

(c) Each count of an information may charge one offense only and must be particularized sufficiently to identify the place, the time, and the subject matter of the alleged offense. It shall refer to the provision of law under which the offense is charged, but any error in this reference or its omission may be corrected by leave of Court at any time before sentence and is not grounds for reversal of a conviction if the error or omission did not mislead the accused to his prejudice.

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