Reconsideration of final denials.

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§ 842.57 Reconsideration of final denials.

This section provides the procedures used to reconsider a final denial.

(a) An FCC has the inherent authority to reconsider a final decision. The mere fact that a request for reconsideration is received does not obligate the settlement authority to reopen the claim.

(b) The FCC does not mention a reconsideration right in the original denial letter.

(c) A settlement authority must reconsider the final action when there is:

(1) New and material evidence concerning the claim; or

(2) Obvious errors in the original decision.

(d) The FCC must document in the claim file the reason for reconsideration.

(e) A FCC above the original settlement authority may direct a claim be forwarded to a higher FCC for reconsideration.

[81 FR 83694, Nov. 22, 2016]

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