Asserting the claim.

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§ 842.108 Asserting the claim.

When asserting the claim, the base SJA will:

(a) MCR personnel assert a claim against a tortfeasor or other third party using a formal letter on Air Force stationery. The assertion is made against all potential payers, including insurers. The demand letter should state the legal basis for recovery and sufficiently describe the facts and circumstances surrounding the incident giving rise to medical care. Applicable bases of recovery include U.S. status as a third-party beneficiary under various types of insurance policies, workers' compensation laws, no-fault laws, or other Federal statutes, including Coordination of Benefits (COB) or FMCRA.

(b) The MCR authority must promptly notify the injured parties or their legal representatives, in writing, that the United States will attempt to recover from the third parties the reasonable value of medical care furnished or to be furnished and that they:

(1) Should seek advice from a legal assistance officer or civilian counsel.

(2) Must cooperate in the prosecution of all actions of the United States against third parties.

(3) Must furnish a complete statement regarding the facts and circumstances surrounding the incident which caused the injury.

(4) Must not execute a release or settle any claim which exists as a result of the injury without prior notice to the MCR authority.

(c) Mail all copies of the SF 96, or claim notice on Air Force letterhead:

(1) By certified mail with return receipt requested in all claims in which the amount claimed is $5,000.00 or more or in which there is a substantial likelihood that the final amount claimed will be $5,000.00 or more.

(2) By regular or certified mail with return receipt requested at the SJA's discretion in cases in which the final amount claimed is less than $5,000.00, unless there is no response to the initial notice of claim within a reasonable period of time and a second notice of claim is required to be mailed. All second notices of claim and copies will be mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested.

(d) Notify the injured parties promptly in writing that the United States will attempt to recover from the third parties the reasonable value of medical care furnished or to be furnished and that they:

(1) Should seek advice from a legal assistance officer or civilian counsel and furnish the civilian counsel's name to the claims officer.

(2) Must cooperate in the prosecution of all actions of the United States against third parties.

(3) Must furnish a complete statement regarding the facts and circumstances surrounding the incident which caused the injury.

(4) Must not execute a release or settle any claim which exists as a result of the injury without prior notice to the SJA.

(5) Should read the enclosed Privacy Act statement.

[55 FR 2809, Jan. 29, 1990. Redesignated and amended at 81 FR 83698, 83699, Nov. 22, 2016]

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