Relations with Non-USG Counsel.

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§ 776.94 Relations with Non-USG Counsel.

(a) This part applies to non-USG attorneys representing individuals in any matter for which the JAG is charged with supervising the provision of legal services, including but not limited to, courts-martial, administrative separation boards or hearings, boards of inquiry, and disability evaluation proceedings. Employment of a non-USG attorney by an individual client does not alter the responsibilities of a covered USG attorney to that client. Although a non-USG attorney is individually responsible for adhering to the contents of this part, the covered USG attorney detailed or otherwise assigned to that client shall take reasonable steps to inform the non-USG attorney:

(1) Of the contents of this part;

(2) That subpart B of this part apply to civilian counsel practicing before military tribunals, courts, boards, or in any legal matter under the supervision of the JAG as a condition of such practice; and

(3) That subpart B of this part take precedence over other rules of professional conduct that might otherwise apply, but that the attorney may still be subject to rules and discipline established by the attorney's Federal, state, or local bar association or other licensing authority.

(b) If an individual client designates a non-USG attorney as chief counsel, the detailed USG attorney must defer to civilian counsel in any conflict over trial tactics. If, however, the attorneys have “co-counsel” status, then conflict in proposed trial tactics requires the client to be consulted to resolve the conflict.

(c) If the non-USG attorney has, in the opinion of the involved covered USG attorney, acted or failed to act in a manner which is contrary to subpart B of this part, the matter should be brought to the attention of the civilian attorney. If the matter is not resolved with the civilian counsel, the covered USG attorney should discuss the situation with the supervisory attorney. If not resolved between counsel, the client must be informed of the matter by the covered USG attorney. If, after being apprised of possible misconduct, the client approves of the questioned conduct, the covered USG attorney shall attempt to withdraw from the case in accordance with § 776.35 of this part. The client shall be informed of such intent to withdraw prior to action by the covered USG attorney.

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