Rules Counsel.

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§ 776.9 Rules Counsel.

Appointed by JAG to act as special assistants for the administration of subpart B of this part, the Rules Counsel derive authority from JAG and, as detailed in this part, have “by direction” authority. The Rules Counsel shall cause opinions issued by the Professional Responsibility Committee of general interest to the DoN legal community to be published in summarized, non-personal form in suitable publications. Unless another officer is appointed by JAG to act in individual cases, the following officers shall act as Rules Counsel:

(a) The SJA to CMC, for cases involving Marine Corps judge advocates, or civil service and contracted civilian attorneys who perform legal services under his cognizance;

(b) Assistant Judge Advocate General, Chief Judge, DoN (AJAG-CJ) for cases involving Navy and Marine Corps trial and appellate judges; and

(c) AJAG (Civil Law), in all other cases.

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