Forwarding the complaint.

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§ 776.81 Forwarding the complaint.

(a) If the Rules Counsel determines there is probable cause to believe that a violation of subpart B of this part or of the Code of Judicial Conduct has occurred, and the violation is not of a minor or technical nature, the Rules Counsel shall notify the JAG. (In cases relating to Marine Corps judge advocates, including trial and appellate judges, in which the SJA to CMC is not the cognizant Rules Counsel, the SJA to CMC shall also be notified.) The Rules Counsel shall forward the complaint and any allied papers, as follows:

(1) In cases involving a military trial judge, if practicable, to a covered attorney with experience as a military trial judge (normally senior to and of the same Service (Navy or Marine Corps) as the covered attorney complained of and not previously involved in the case) and assign the officer to conduct a preliminary inquiry into the matter;

(2) In cases involving a military appellate judge, if practicable, to a covered attorney with experience as a military appellate judge (normally senior to and of the same Service (Navy or Marine Corps) as the covered attorney complained of and not previously involved in the case) and assign the officer to conduct a preliminary inquiry into the matter;

(3) In all other cases, to such covered attorney as the cognizant Rules Counsel may designate (normally senior to the covered attorney complained of and not previously involved in the case), and assign the officer to conduct a preliminary inquiry into the matter.

(b) The Rules Counsel shall provide notice of the complaint (if not previously informed) as well as notice of the preliminary inquiry:

(1) To the covered attorney against whom the complaint is made as well as the supervisory attorney;

(2) In cases involving a covered USG attorney on active duty or in civilian Federal service, to the commanding officer, or equivalent, of the covered USG attorney concerned;

(3) In cases involving Navy or Marine Corps judge advocates serving in Naval Legal Service Command (NLSC) units, to Commander, NLSC;

(4) In cases involving Navy attorneys serving in Marine Corps units, involving Marine Corps attorneys serving in Navy units, or involving Marine Corps trial and appellate judges, to the SJA to CMC (Attn: JAR);

(5) In cases involving trial or appellate court judges, to either the Chief Judge, Navy-Marine Corps Trial Judiciary or Chief Judge, Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals, as appropriate; and

(6) In cases involving covered attorneys certified by the Judge Advocates General/Chief Counsel of the other uniformed services, to the appropriate military service attorney discipline section.

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