Establishment and scope of representation.

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§ 776.21 Establishment and scope of representation.

(a) Formation of attorney-client relationships by covered USG attorneys with, and representation of, clients is permissible only when the attorney is authorized to do so by competent authority. For purposes of this part, Military Rules of Evidence 502, the Manual of the Judge Advocate General (JAGINST 5800.7 series), and the Naval Legal Service Command Manual (COMNAVLEGSVCCOMINST 5800.1 series), generally define when an attorney-client relationship is formed between a covered USG attorney and a client servicemember, dependent, or employee.

(b) Generally, the subject matter scope of a covered attorney's representation will be consistent with the terms of the assignment to perform specific representational or advisory duties. A covered attorney shall inform clients at the earliest opportunity of any limitations on representation and professional responsibilities of the attorney towards the client.

(c) A covered attorney shall follow the client's well-informed and lawful decisions concerning case objectives, choice of counsel, forum, pleas, whether to testify, and settlements.

(d) A covered attorney's representation of a client does not constitute an endorsement of the client's political, economic, social, or moral views or activities.

(e) A covered attorney shall not counsel or assist a client to engage in conduct that the attorney knows is criminal or fraudulent, but a covered attorney may discuss the legal and moral consequences of any proposed course of conduct with a client, and may counsel or assist a client in making a good faith effort to determine the validity, scope, meaning, or application of the law.

(f) [Reserved]

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