Maintenance of files.

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§ 776.12 Maintenance of files.

Pursuant to SECNAVINST 5211.5 (series) and SECNAVINST 5212.5 (series) ethics complaint records and outside practice of law request files shall be maintained by the Office of the Chief Judge, DoN (Code 05) for judicial conduct matters; the Research and Civil Law Branch, JA Division, HQMC (JAR) for Marine matters; and the Office of the JAG, Administrative Law Division (Code 13) for all other matters.

(a) Requests for access to such records should be referred to the Office of the Chief Judge, Washington Navy Yard, 1254 Charles Morris Street SE., Suite 320 Washington, DC, 20374-5124; Deputy Assistant Judge Advocate General (Administrative Law), Office of the Judge Advocate General (Code 13), 1322 Patterson Avenue SE Suite 3000, Washington Navy Yard, DC, 20374-5066; or to Head, Research and Civil Law Branch, Office of the Staff Judge Advocate to the Commandant of the Marine Corps, Headquarters United States Marine Corps, 3000 Marine Corps Pentagon (Room 4D556), Washington DC, 20350-3000, as appropriate.

(b) Local command files regarding professional responsibility complaints will not be maintained. Commanding officers and other supervisory attorneys may, however, maintain personal files but must not share their contents with others.

(c) All records maintained under this part shall be maintained in accordance with the following procedures established by JAGINST 5801.2 (series) and DON Privacy Act Notice N05813-1:

(1) Records shall be maintained for a minimum of two years;

(2) Records shall be maintained for as long as an attorney remains subject to JAG-imposed limitations on practice; and

(3) Records pertaining to unsubstantiated complaints, or to attorneys who are no longer subject to limitation on practice, shall be destroyed after 10 years.

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