Outside practice of law.

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§ 776.11 Outside practice of law.

A covered USG attorney's primary professional responsibility is to the client, as defined by § 776.4 of this part, and he or she is expected to ensure that representation of such client is free from conflicts of interest and otherwise conforms to the requirements of Subpart B of this part and other regulations concerning the provision of legal services within the DoN. The outside practice of law, therefore, must be carefully monitored. Covered USG attorneys who wish to engage in the outside practice of law, including while on terminal leave, must first obtain permission from the JAG. Failure to obtain permission before engaging in the outside practice of law may subject the covered USG attorney to administrative or disciplinary action, including professional sanctions administered per subpart C of this part. Further details are contained in § 776.57 and subpart D of this part.

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