Classified actions.

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§ 775.5 Classified actions.

(a) The fact that a proposed action is of a classified nature does not relieve the proponent of the action from complying with NEPA and the CEQ regulations. Therefore, environmental documents shall be prepared, safeguarded and disseminated in accordance with the requirements applicable to classified information. When feasible, these documents shall be organized in such a manner that classified portions are included as appendices so that unclassified portions can be made available to the public. Review of classified NEPA documentation will be coordinated with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to fulfill requirements of section 309 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7609 et seq.).

(b) It should be noted that a classified EA/EIS serves the same “informed decisionmaking” purpose as does a published unclassified EA/EIS. Even though the classified EA/EIS does not undergo general public review and comment, it must still be part of the information package to be considered by the decisionmaker for the proposed action. The content of a classified EA/EIS (or the classified portion of a public EA/EIS) will therefore meet the same content requirements applicable to a published unclassified EA/EIS.

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