Conditions of permits.

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§ 767.9 Conditions of permits.

(a) Permits are valid for one year from the date of issue.

(b) Upon receipt of a permit, permit holders shall counter-sign the permit and return copies to the NHHC and the appropriate SHPO, state land or resource manager, THPO, or foreign government official, if applicable, prior to conducting permitted activities on the wrecksite. When the sunken military craft or terrestrial military craft is located within federal areas such as a unit of the National Park System, the National Wildlife Refuge System, the National Marine Sanctuary System, or Marine National Monuments, the permit holder shall provide copies of countersigned permits to the applicable federal resource manager. Upon the NHHC confirming receipt of the counter-signed permit, the permitted activities may commence, provided that any other federal or state regulatory and permitting requirements that apply are met.

(c) Permits shall be carried on-site and made available upon request for inspection by federal or state law enforcement officials. Permits are non-transferable. The permit holder, or the activity's authorized principal investigator in the case where a permit holder is not concurrently the authorized principal investigator, is expected to remain on-site for the duration of operations prescribed in the permit. In the event a permit holder or the authorized principal investigator is unable to directly oversee operations, the permit holder must nominate a suitable qualified representative who may only serve in that function upon written approval by the NHHC.

(d) Permit holders must abide by all provisions set forth in the permit as well as applicable state or federal regulations. Permit holders must abide by applicable regulations of a foreign government for activities directed at a sunken military craft when the sunken military craft is located in the internal waters, territorial sea, contiguous zone, or continental shelf of a foreign State, as defined by customary international law reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. If the physical environment is to be impacted by the permitted activity, the permit holder will be expected to meet any associated permit or authorization stipulations required by foreign, federal, state, or local law, as well as apply mitigation measures to limit such impacts and where feasible return the physical environment to the condition that existed before the activity occurred.

(e) At least 30 days prior to the expiration of the original permit, the permit holder shall submit to the NHHC a preliminary report that includes a working log and, where applicable, a diving log, listing days spent conducting field research, activities pursued, working area locations including precise coordinates, an inventory of artifacts observed or recovered, and preliminary results and conclusions. The NHHC shall review preliminary reports for thoroughness, accuracy, and quality and shall inform the permit holder of their formal acceptance in writing.

(f) In the case of one or more permit extensions received through the process identified in § 767.10(b), a preliminary report that includes all the information stated in paragraph (e) of this section is to be submitted by the permit holder annually at least 30 days prior to the renewed permit's expiration date.

(g) The permit holder shall prepare and submit a final report as detailed in § 767.11, summarizing the results of the permitted activity to the NHHC, and any applicable SHPO, THPO, federal or state land or resource manager, or foreign government official within an appropriate time frame as specified in the permit. Failure to submit a final report within the specified time-frame will be considered a permit violation. If the final report is not due to be submitted within two years of commencement of a permitted activity, interim reports must be filed biennially, with the first interim report submitted within two years of commencement of the activity. The interim report must include information required by § 767.11 to the maximum extent possible, and an account of both the progress that has been achieved and the objectives remaining to be accomplished. The NHHC shall review interim and final reports for thoroughness, accuracy, and quality and shall inform the permit holder of their formal acceptance in writing.

(h) The permit holder shall agree to protect all sensitive information regarding the location and character of a wrecksite that could potentially expose it to non-professional recovery techniques, looters, or unauthorized salvage. Sensitive information includes specific location data and information about the cargo of a sunken military craft or terrestrial military craft, the existence of armaments, munitions and other hazardous materials, or the presence of, or potential presence of, human remains.

(i) All recovered DON sunken military craft, terrestrial military craft, and their associated contents, remain the property of the United States. These resources and copies of associated archaeological records and data must be preserved by a suitable university, museum, or other scientific or educational institution that, at a minimum, meets the standards set forth in 36 CFR part 79, Curation of Federally-Owned and Administered Archaeological Collections, at the expense of the applicant or facility, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by the NHHC. The curatorial facility must establish a loan of resources agreement with the NHHC and maintain it in good standing. If a loan of resources agreement is not established, or at the discretion of the NHHC, resources are to be managed, conserved and curated directly by the NHHC at the expense of the applicant, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by the NHHC. Copies of associated archaeological and conservation records and data will be made available to the NHHC, and to the applicable SHPO, THPO, the federal or state land or resource manager, or foreign government official upon request.

(j) The disposition of foreign sunken military craft or associated contents shall be determined on a case-by-case basis in coordination with the respective foreign state prior to the issuance of a NHHC permit.

(k) In the event that credible evidence for or actual human remains, unexploded ordnance, hazardous materials or environmental pollutants such as oil are discovered during the course of research, the permit holder shall cease all work and immediately notify the NHHC. Permitted work may not resume until authorized by the NHHC.

(l) The permittee shall purchase and maintain sufficient comprehensive general liability, and such other types of insurance, in an amount consistent with generally accepted industry standards throughout the period covered by the permit, or post an equivalent bond. Such insurance shall cover against any third party claims arising out of activities conducted under the permit. The permittee must further agree to hold the United States harmless against such claims.

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