Credentials of principal investigator.

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§ 767.8 Credentials of principal investigator.

The principal investigator shall be suitably qualified as evidenced by training, education, and/or experience, and possess demonstrable competence in archaeological theory and method, and in collecting, handling, analyzing, evaluating, and reporting archaeological data, relative to the type and scope of the work proposed. A resume or curriculum vitae detailing the professional qualifications of the principal investigator must be submitted with the permit application. Additionally, the principal investigator will be required to attest that all persons on the project team shall be qualified and have demonstrated competence appropriate to their roles in the proposed activity. The principal investigator must, at a minimum, meet the following requirements:

(a) The minimum professional qualification standards for archaeology as determined by the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archeology and Historic Preservation.

(b) At least one year of full-time professional supervisory experience in the archaeological study of historic maritime resources or historic aviation resources. This experience requirement may concurrently account for certain stipulations of paragraph (a) of this section.

(c) The demonstrated ability to plan, equip, fund, staff, organize, and supervise the type and scope of activity proposed.

(d) If applicable, the demonstrated ability to submit post-operational archaeological or other technical reports in a timely manner.

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