Prohibited acts.

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§ 767.4 Prohibited acts.

(a) Unauthorized activities directed at sunken military craft or terrestrial military craft. No person shall engage in or attempt to engage in any activity directed at a sunken military craft or terrestrial military craft that disturbs, removes, or injures any sunken military craft or terrestrial military craft, except:

(1) As authorized by a permit issued pursuant to these regulations;

(2) As otherwise authorized by these regulations; or

(3) As otherwise authorized by law.

(b) Possession of sunken military craft or terrestrial military craft. No person may possess, disturb, remove, or injure any sunken military craft or terrestrial military craft in violation, where applicable, of:

(1) Section 1402 of the SMCA; or

(2) Any regulation set forth in this part or any permit issued under it; or

(3) Any prohibition, rule, regulation, ordinance, or permit that applies under any other applicable law.

(c) Limitations on application. Prohibitions in section 1402 of the SMCA shall not apply to:

(1) Actions taken by, or at the direction of, the United States.

(2) Any action by a person who is not a citizen, national, or resident alien of the United States, except in accordance with:

(i) Generally recognized principles of international law;

(ii) An agreement between the United States and the foreign country of which the person is a citizen;

(iii) In the case of an individual who is a crew member or other individual on a foreign vessel or foreign aircraft, an agreement between the United States and the flag State of the foreign vessel or aircraft that applies to the individual.

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