Compromise of civil penalty, enforcement costs and/or liability for damages.

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§ 767.24 Compromise of civil penalty, enforcement costs and/or liability for damages.

(a) The Director of the NHHC, in his/her sole discretion, may compromise, modify, remit, or mitigate, with or without conditions, any civil penalty or liability for damages imposed, or which is subject to imposition, except as provided in this subpart.

(b) The compromise authority of the Director of the NHHC under this section is in addition to any similar authority provided in any applicable statute or regulation, and may be exercised either upon the initiative of the Director of the NHHC or in response to a request by the respondent or other interested person. Any such request should be sent to the Director of the NHHC at the address specified in the NOVA.

(c) Neither the existence of the compromise authority of the Director of the NHHC under this section nor the Director's exercise thereof at any time changes the date upon which an assessment is final or payable.

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