Special use permit application.

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§ 767.12 Special use permit application.

(a) Any person proposing to engage in an activity to document a sunken military craft utilizing diving methods or remotely-operated or autonomously-operated equipment, or collect data or samples from a wrecksite, whether a sunken military craft or terrestrial military craft, that would result in the wrecksite's disturbance but otherwise be minimally intrusive, may apply for a special use permit. Any person proposing to engage in an activity that would disturb, remove, or injure a non-historic sunken military craft must apply for a special use permit.

(b) To request a special use permit application form, please refer to § 767.6(b) and (c). Special use permit applications must be sent to the Department of the Navy, U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command, Underwater Archaeology Branch, 805 Kidder Breese St. SE., Washington Navy Yard, Washington, DC 20374-5060.

(c) Each special use permit application shall include:

(1) A statement of the project's objectives and an explanation on how they would serve the NHHC's objectives stated in § 767.5;

(2) A discussion of the methodology planned to accomplish the project's objectives. This should include a map showing the study location(s) and a description of the wrecksite(s) of particular interest;

(3) An analysis of the extent and nature of potential direct or indirect impacts on the resources and their surrounding environment from permitted activities, as well as any proposed mitigation measures;

(4) Where appropriate, a plan for wrecksite restoration and remediation with recommendations on wrecksite preservation and protection of the wrecksite location;

(d) The NHHC Deputy Director, or his or her designee, may authorize a special use permit under the following conditions:

(1) The proposed activity is compatible with the NHHC policies and in the case of non-historic sunken military craft is not opposed by consulted DON parties;

(2) The activities carried out under the permit are conducted in a manner that is minimally intrusive and does not purposefully significantly disturb, remove or injure the sunken military craft or wrecksite;

(3) When applicable, the pilot(s) of remotely-operated equipment holds a certificate of operation from a nationally-recognized organization;

(4) The principal investigator must hold a graduate degree in archaeology, anthropology, maritime history, oceanography, marine biology, marine geology, other marine science, closely related field, or possess equivalent training and experience. This requirement may be waived by the NHHC on a case by case basis depending on the activity stipulated in the application.

(e) The permittee shall submit the following information subsequent to the conclusion of the permitted activity within an appropriate time frame as specified in the special use permit:

(1) A summary of the activities undertaken that includes an assessment of the goals specified in the permit application;

(2) Identification of any sensitive information as detailed in § 767.9(h);

(3) Complete and unedited copies of any and all documentation and data collected (photographs, video, remote sensing data, etc.) during the permitted activity and results of any subsequent analyses.

(f) The following additional sections of this subpart shall apply to special use permits: §§ 767.7(e); 767.9(a), (b), (c), (e), (f), (g), (h), (k), and (l); 767.10; 767.13; 767.14; and 767.15(c).

(g) All sections of subpart A of this part shall apply to all special use permits, and all sections of subpart C of this part shall apply to special use permits pertaining to sunken military craft.

(h) Unless stipulated in the special use permit, the recovery of artifacts associated with any wrecksite is prohibited.

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