Content of permit holder's final report.

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§ 767.11 Content of permit holder's final report.

The permit holder's final report shall at minimum include the following:

(a) A wrecksite history and a contextual history relating the wrecksite to the general history of the region;

(b) A master wrecksite map;

(c) Feature map(s) of any recovered artifacts showing their positions within the wrecksite;

(d) Where environmental conditions allow, photographs of significant wrecksite features and significant artifacts both in situ and after removal;

(e) If applicable, a section that includes an inventory of recovered artifacts, description of conserved artifacts, laboratory conservation records, documentation of analyses undertaken, photographs of recovered artifacts before and after conservation treatment, and recommended curation conditions;

(f) A written report describing the wrecksite's discovery, environment, past and current archaeological fieldwork, results, and analysis;

(g) A summary of the survey and/or excavation process including methods and techniques employed, an account of operational phases, copies of applicable logs, as well as thorough analysis of the recovered data;

(h) An evaluation of the completed permitted activity that includes an assessment of the project's degree of success compared to the goals specified in the permit application;

(i) Recommendations for future activities, if applicable;

(j) An account of how the public interpretation or dissemination plan described in the permit application has been or is being carried out. Additionally, identification of any sensitive information as detailed in § 767.9(g).

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