Insurance requirements.

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§ 766.9 Insurance requirements.

(a) Control of insurance. The Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, or his designee, shall be responsible for requiring aircraft owners or operators to procure and maintain liability insurance conforming to the standards prescribed by the Chief of Naval Material. The insurance policy must be obtained at the expense of the civil aircraft owner or operator and with a company acceptable to the U.S. Navy.

(b) Insurance coverage. Except for those aircraft exempted by paragraph (c) below, each civil aircraft is required to be covered by insurance of the types and minimum limits established by the Chief of Naval Material. The Certificate of Insurance, must state all coverages in U.S. dollars. Current minimums are:

(1) Privately owned commercially-operated aircraft used for cargo carrying only and aircraft being flight-tested or ferried without passengers will be insured for:

(i) Bodily injury liability. At least $100,000 for each person in any one accident with at least $1 million for each accident.

(ii) Property damage liability. At least $1 million for each accident.

(2) Privately owned commercially-operated aircraft used for passenger carrying and privately owned noncommercially-operated aircraft of 12,500 pounds or more certified maximum gross takeoff weight will be insured for:

(i) Bodily injury liability (excluding passengers). At least $100,000 for each person in any one accident with at least $1 million for each accident.

(ii) Property damage liability. At least $1 million for each accident.

(iii) Passenger liability. At least $100,000 for each passenger, with a minimum for each accident determined as follows: multiply the minimum for each passenger, $100,000 by the next highest whole number resulting from taking 75 percent of the total number of passenger seats (exclusive of crew seats). For example: The minimum passenger coverage for each accident for an aircraft with 94 passenger seats is computed: 94 × 0.75 = 70.5 - next highest whole number resulting in 71. Therefore, 71 × $100,000 = $7,100,000.

(3) Privately owned noncommercially-operated aircraft of less than 12,500 pounds will be insured for:

(i) Bodily injury liability (excluding passengers). At least $100,000 for each person in any one accident with at least $500,000 for each accident.

(ii) Property damage liability. At least $500,000 for each accident.

(iii) Passenger liability. At least $100,000 for each passenger, with a minimum for each accident determined by multiplying the minimum for each passenger, $100,000 by the total number of passenger seats (exclusive of crew seats).

(4) Aircraft insured for a single limit of liability must have coverage equal to or greater than the combined required minimums for bodily injury, property damage, and passenger liability for the type of use requested and for the passenger capacity and gross takeoff weight of the aircraft being operated. For example: the minimum single limit of liability acceptable for an aircraft operating as described in paragraph (b)(2) of this section is $1,000,000 + $1,000,000 + $7,100,000 = $9,100,000.

(5) Aircraft insured by a combination of primary and excess policies must have combined coverage equal to or greater than the required minimums for bodily injury, property damage, and passenger liability, for the type of use, and for the passenger capacity and gross takeoff weight of the aircraft.

(6) Each policy must specifically provide that:

(i) The insurer waives any right to subrogation the insurer may have against the United States by reason of any payment under the policy for damage or injury which might arise out of or in connection with the insured's use of any Navy installation or facility.

(ii) The insurance afforded by the policy applies to the liability assumed by the insured under OPNAV Form 3770/1, Aviation Facility License.

(iii) If the insurer cancels or reduces the amount of insurance afforded under the listed policy, the insurer shall send written notice of the cancellation or reduction to Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Department of the Navy, Washington, DC 20390 by registered mail at least 30 days in advance of the effective date of the cancellation; the policy must state that any cancellation or reduction will not be effective until at least 30 days after such notice is sent, regardless of the effective date specified therein.

(iv) If the insured requests cancellation or reduction, the insurer shall notify the Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Department of the Navy, Washington, DC 20390 immediately upon receipt of such request.

(c) Exemption. Government aircraft, as defined in § 766.2(e) are exempt from the insurance requirements specified above. However, this exemption applies to bailed aircraft only if the contract under which the aircraft is bailed specifies that insurance is not required.

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