Procedure for review, approval, execution and distribution of aviation facility licenses.

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§ 766.8 Procedure for review, approval, execution and distribution of aviation facility licenses.

(a) Review of application by the commanding officer. The commanding officer will review each application for Aviation Facility License and Certificate of Insurance received and determine whether such forms have been completed by the applicant in accordance with the instructions for their preparation as indicated in the Aviation Facility License (OPNAV Form 3770/1 (REV. 7-70)) and the Certificate of Insurance (NAVFAC 7-11011/36(7-70)). As appropriate, the commanding officer will require each applicant to furnish a security deposit as stipulated in § 766.7(f).

(b) Processing application. The commanding officer will approve/disapprove the application or forward it to higher authority for approval as required by § 766.6(b) or (c). If the application is approved, the approving authority will then forward all copies of the license and Certificate of Insurance to the Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command or his designated representative for review and execution of the license.

(c) Action by the Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command or his designated representative.

(1) Upon receipt, the Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, or his designated representative, will review the license and Certificate of Insurance. He shall determine whether the insurance coverage conforms to the requirements prescribed by § 766.9 of this part or to such requirements as may be promulgated from time to time by the Chief of Naval Material.

(2) Upon approval, he will then execute the license in triplicate, conform all additional copies, and make distribution as provided in paragraph (d) of this section. Applications which are not approved will be returned to the applicant with an explanation of deficiencies which must be corrected prior to execution.

(d) Distribution.

(1) After execution of a license, distribution will be made as follows:

Original - To the licensee.

Executed copy - To the commanding officer.

Executed copy - To the Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command or his designated representative.

Conformed copy - To the Chief of Naval Operations (OP-53).

Conformed copy - To the cognizant commander under § 766.6(b).

Conformed copy - To the disbursing officer serving the performing activity in the case of local deposits, and to the Office of the Navy Comptroller (NAFC3) in the case of central deposits held at the Washington, DC level.

Conformed copy - To the Military Airlift Command (MAC) for DOD contract or charter airlift operations.

Conformed copy - To the Military Traffic Management and Terminal Service (MTMTS) for DOD contract or charter airlift operations.

(2) Licenses issued under this authority are to be disposed of under provisions of paragraph 4280 of SECNAVINST 5212.5B, Disposal of Navy and Marine Corps Records. In accordance therewith, official executed copies of licenses are to be retained for a period of 6 years after completion or termination of the agreement. They may be transferred to the nearest Federal records center when superseded, revoked, canceled, or expired for retention by the center until expiration of the 6-year retention period.

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