How to request use of naval aviation facilities.

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§ 766.7 How to request use of naval aviation facilities.

(a) Forms required. Each applicant desiring use of a Navy/Marine Corps aviation facility will be required to:

(1) Execute an application for an Aviation Facility License (OPNAV Form 3770/1 (Rev. 7-70)).

(2) Submit a Certificate of Insurance (NAVFAC 7-11011/36) showing coverage as provided by § 766.9 of this part.

(b) Exceptions. Exceptions to the foregoing requirements are:

(1) Aircraft owned and operated by departments or agencies of the U.S. Government for official business.

(2) Aircraft owned and operated or noncommercial purposes by agencies of a foreign government, except in cases where the foreign government charges fees for U.S. Government aircraft.

(3) Aircraft owned and operated by States, possessions, and territories of the United States and political subdivisions, thereof, when used for official business of the owner.

(4) Aircraft owned and operated by either Navy/Marine Corps Flying Clubs or Aero Clubs of other military services which are operated as instrumentalities of the U.S. Government.

(5) Bailed aircraft, provided the bailment contract specifies that the U.S. Government is the insurer for liability.

(c) Obtaining forms. The applicant may obtain the required forms listed in paragraph (a) of this section, from the commanding officer of any Navy or Marine Corps aviation facility or from the Chief of Naval Operations (OP-53C). Navy units may obtain the forms through regular supply channels as a Cog “I” item.

(d) Preparation of forms.

(1) The license application will be completed in quadruplicate by the applicant in accordance with detailed instructions set forth in Aviation Facility License (OPNAV Form 3770/1 (REV. 7-70)).

(2) The Certificate of Insurance will be completed by the insurer. Only the signed original certificate and one copy are required to be submitted.

(e) Submission of forms.

(1) The forms executed by the applicant shall be submitted to the commanding officer of the aviation facility concerned, except that applications requiring approval by higher authority shall be submitted to the appropriate approving authority, as indicated in paragraph (b) or (c) of this section at least 30 days prior to the first intended landing.

(2) Once the NAVFAC 7-11011/36, Certificate of Insurance, is on file with an executing authority, it is valid until insurance expiration date and may be used by that executing authority as a basis for his action on any subsequent OPNAV Forms 3770/1 submitted for approval.

(f) Security deposit. All applications, other than those listed in § 766.11(a) contemplating more than one landing per month, will be accompanied by a security deposit in the form of a certified check payable to the “Treasurer of the United States” in payment of the estimated costs of landing, hangar and outside parking fees, for 3 months in advance, calculated as provided in § 766.11 (c) and (d). Security deposits will be handled as set forth in paragraph 032102 of the NAVCOMPT Manual.

(g) Nonexclusive use airports. When either the Chief of Naval Operations or Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps does not have exclusive operational control over a landing area, the aircraft operator will obtain permission to land from the appropriate civil or military authority.

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