Approving authority for landings at Navy/Marine Corps aviation facilities.

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§ 766.6 Approving authority for landings at Navy/Marine Corps aviation facilities.

(a) Except as indicated in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, the commanding officer of an active Navy/Marine Corps aviation facility may approve or disapprove landings of civil aircraft at his facility when such landing is:

(1) Directly connected with or in support of U.S. Government business (except those listed in paragraph (c) of this section).

(2) In connection with U.S. Government or community interests on an infrequent basis when no adequate civil airport is reasonably available.

(3) By aircraft owned and operated by Navy/Marine Corps Flying Clubs or U.S. Army or Air Force Aero Clubs which are operated as instrumentalities of the U.S. Government.

(4) By aircraft owned and operated by U.S. Government personnel when such use is in accordance with § 766.4(b) (1) and (2).

(5) By civil aircraft either owned or personally chartered by:

(i) The President or Vice President of the United States or a past President of the United States.

(ii) The head of any Federal department or agency.

(iii) A Member of Congress.

(6) By a bailed, leased, or loaned aircraft (as defined in § 766.2) when operated in connection with official business only.

(7) By aircraft owned and operated by States, counties, or municipalities of the United States when used for official business of the owner.

(b) Except as limited by paragraph (c) of this section, the Commander in Chief, U.S. Naval Forces, Europe; Chief of Naval Material; Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Fleet; Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet; Chief of Naval Air Training; Commander, Pacific Missile Range; Commander, Marine Corps Air Bases, Eastern Area; Commander, Marine Corps Air Bases, Western Area; and Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific may approve civil aircraft use of any active aviation facility under their control. (At overseas locations, aircraft landing authorizations must be in consonance with the provisions of applicable international agreements.)

(c) The Chief of Naval Operations may approve any of the above requests, and is the only agency empowered to approve all other requests for use of naval facilities by civil and government aircraft, for example:

(1) Applications for use of more than one facility when the facilities are not under the control of one major command.

(2) Application for use of naval aviation facilities when participating in U.S. Government or Department of Defense single-manager contract and charter airlift operations; i.e., Military Airlift Command (MAC) or Military Traffic Management and Terminal Service (MTMTS).

(3) Application for a facility to be used as a regular civil airfield for a community, by either commercial or general aviation.

(4) Requests for use of a facility by foreign civil or government aircraft when:

(i) Such use is not covered by an agreement between the U.S. Government and the government of the aircraft's registry, or

(ii) The facility is located in a country other than that in which the foreign aircraft is registered.

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