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§ 766.4 Policy.

Navy and Marine Corps aviation facilities are established to support the operation of Navy and Marine Corps aircraft. Equipment, personnel and material are maintained only at a level necessitated by these requirements and shall not be used to support the operation or maintenance of civil aircraft or non U.S. Government aircraft, except as noted below. (Nothing in this part, however, should be interpreted to prohibit any aircraft from landing at any suitable Navy or Marine Corps aviation facility in case of a bona fide emergency.) (See § 766.5(i).)

(a) General. Subject to the procedures established elsewhere in this part, civil aircraft and government aircraft, other than those belonging to the U.S. Government may use Navy or Marine Corps facilities, if necessary, Provided, That:

(1) They do not interfere with military requirements, and the security of military operations, facilities, or equipment is not compromised.

(2) No adequate civil airport is available. (Exception to this provision may be made when the aircraft is operated in connection with official business as defined in this part.)

(3) Pilots comply with regulations promulgated by the cognizant military agency and the commanding officer of the facility.

(4) Civil aircraft users assume the risk in accordance with the provisions of the Aviation Facility License.

(5) Each aircraft is equipped with two-way radio which provides a capability for voice communications with the control tower on standard Navy/Marine Corps frequencies.

(6) The user, or requesting government, has obtained permission through diplomatic channels from the host country wherein the facility of intended landing is located, if applicable.

(b) Civil Aircraft owned and operated by -

(1) Military personnel. Private aircraft owned and operated by active duty U.S. military personnel or by Navy/Marine Corps Reservists on inactive duty may be authorized to land at a facility, provided such aircraft is not engaging in air commerce, and such landing is for official business required by written orders. Under no conditions shall such aircraft be allowed to base or operate from a facility for personal convenience nor base at a facility under the guise of official business.

(2) Civil employees of the U.S. Government. Private aircraft owned and operated by civil employees of the U.S. Government may be authorized to land at a facility, provided such aircraft is not engaging in air commerce, and such landing is for official business required by written orders. Such aircraft shall not be allowed to base or operate from a facility for personal convenience. (Employees of U.S. Government contractors are not considered civil employees of the U.S. Government.)

(3) Non-U.S. Government personnel. An individual or corporation owned and/or operated aircraft may be authorized to land at a facility for:

(i) Sales or service representation to authorized military agents (e.g. the exchange, commissary, or contracting officer).

(ii) Services in connection with U.S. Government contracts. Contracting agency and contract number(s) must be cited in the application for an Aviation Facility License.

(c) Department of defense charter or contract. Aircraft operating under a Military Traffic Management and Terminal Service (MTMTS), Military Airlift Command (MAC), or Navy charter or contract for the movement of DOD passengers or cargo may be authorized to use Navy or Marine Corps aviation facilities when required for loading, en route or terminal stops.

(d) Test and experimental use. Aircraft being produced for a military agency under contract may use Navy/Marine Corps facilities for testing and experimental purposes, if the contract so provides, or if it is determined to be in the best interests of the U.S. Government to do so. Unless otherwise provided in the contract, an Aviation Facility License is required, and the user shall furnish a Certificate of Insurance as provided in this part.

(e) Aircraft demonstrations. Manufacturers of aircraft or installed equipment may be authorized to use Navy/Marine Corps facilities in demonstrating and/or showing aircraft or installed equipment to officials of the U.S. Government when:

(1) It is determined to be in the best interest of the U.S. Government.

(2) The aircraft was produced in accordance with U.S. Government specifications either with or without the aid of Federal funds.

(3) There is an expressed interest on the part of the U.S. Government officials responsible for procurement, approval, or certification of the aircraft.

(f) Joint use. When a specific agreement is entered into by the Department of the Navy pertaining to joint civil/military use of a Navy or Marine Corps facility, the terms of that agreement shall take precedence over the provisions of this part.

(g) Diplomatic agreements. For diplomatic agreements and clearances to use U.S. Navy and Marine Corps aviation facilities in foreign countries, the provisions of this part are subject to the provisions of status of forces agreements, treaties of mutual cooperation or other international agreements. This part shall be used as a guide in negotiating agreements at the local level with representatives of a foreign military service, the U.S. Embassy, and the host government concerning the use of naval facilities by other than U.S. military aircraft. Approval shall be obtained from the Chief of Naval Operations for proposed terms which are in conflict with this part.

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