Sale of aviation fuel, oil, services and supplies.

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§ 766.13 Sale of aviation fuel, oil, services and supplies.

(a) General policy. In accordance with sections 1107 and 1108 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (72 Stat. 798 as amended, 49 U.S.C. 1507, 1508), Navy/Marine Corps Aviation fuel, oil, services, and supplies are not sold to civil aircraft in competition with private enterprise. Sections 1107 and 1108 of Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (72 Stat. 798 as amended, 49 U.S.C. 1507, 1508), however, does authorize the sales of fuel, oil, equipment, supplies, mechanical service, and other assistance by reason of an emergency. Such sales will be made only where there is no commercial source and only in the amount necessary for the aircraft to continue on its course to the nearest airport operated by private enterprise.

(b) Contract aircraft. The sale of aviation fuel, oil, supplies, etc. to aircraft under U.S. Government contract or charter is permitted at, and limited to, points where passengers or cargo are loaded into or discharged from the aircraft under terms of the contract or charter. Sales are not authorized at naval aviation facilities where commercial supplies and service are available.

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