Unauthorized landings.

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§ 766.12 Unauthorized landings.

An aircraft that lands at a Navy/Marine Corps aviation facility without obtaining prior permission from an approving authority, except in a bona fide emergency, is in violation of this part. Civil aircraft landing in violation of this regulation will have to pay the fee prescribed in § 766.11(b). In those cases where an unauthorized landing is made at a facility within a Naval Defense Area, proclaimed as such by Executive order of the President, civil aircraft may be impounded and the operator prosecuted as indicated in OPNAVINST 5500.11C of November 12, 1963. In any event, before the aircraft is authorized to depart, the commanding officer of the facility will:

(a) Inform the aircraft operator of the provisions of this part and the OP NAVINST 5500.11C of November 12, 1963, if applicable.

(b) Require the aircraft operator (or owner), before takeoff, to pay all fees and charges and to comply with the following procedure:

(1) Execute OPNAV Form 3770/1, explaining in item 6 of that form the reason for the landing.

(2) In lieu of submitting a Certificate of Insurance (NAVFAC 7-11011/36), the insurer must furnish evidence of sufficient insurance to include waiver of any right of subrogation against the United States, and that such insurance applies to the liability assumed by the insured under OPNAV Form 3770/1.

(3) When it appears that the violation may have been deliberate, or is a repeated violation, departure authorization must be obtained from the Chief of Naval Operations.

(4) Waiver of the requirements in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section may be obtained from the Chief of Naval Operations to expedite removal of these aircraft when such waiver is considered appropriate.

[35 FR 14451, Sept. 15, 1970, as amended at 51 FR 22804, June 23, 1986]

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