Fees for landing, parking and storage.

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§ 766.11 Fees for landing, parking and storage.

(a) The commanding officer of a facility will collect landing, parking, and storage fees, as applicable, from all users required to have an Aviation Facility License by § 766.7 except for the following:

(1) Government aircraft (see definition § 766.2(g)) except that foreign government aircraft will be charged fees if their government charges similar fees for U.S. Government aircraft.

(2) Aircraft being produced under a contract of the U.S. Government.

(3) Any contract aircraft (see definition § 766.2(b)(1)) or other civil aircraft which is authorized to use the facility on official business.

(4) Aircraft employed to train operators in the use of precision approach systems (GCA, ILS, et al.) provided full-stop or touch-and-go landings are not performed.

(5) Aircraft owned and operated by either Navy/Marine Corps Flying Clubs or Aero Clubs or other military services which are operated as instrumentalities of the U.S. Government.

(6) Aircraft owned and operated by military personnel on active duty (Regular and Reserve) or retired, provided the aircraft is not used for commercial purposes.

(7) Landing fees incident to emergency landings for which the landing fee has been waived by the commanding officer in accordance with § 766.5(i)(5)(i).

(b) Fee for unauthorized landing. If an aircraft lands at a Navy/Marine Corps aviation facility without obtaining prior permission (except for a bona fide emergency landing), a landing fee in excess of the normal landing fee will be charged to cover the additional expenses incurred due to special handling and processing. The fee for an unauthorized landing will be as follows:

(1) For aircraft weighing less than 12,500 pounds: $100.

(2) For aircraft weighing 12,500 pounds but less than 40,000 pounds: $250.

(3) For aircraft weighing 40,000 pounds but less than 100,000 pounds: $500.

(4) For aircraft weighing above 100,000 pounds: $600.

(c) Normal landing fee. The normal landing fee is based on the aircraft maximum authorized gross takeoff weight, to the nearest 1,000 pounds. The maximum gross takeoff weight may be determined either from item 7F of OPNAV Form 3770/1 or from the “Airplane Flight Manual” carried aboard each aircraft. If the weight cannot be determined, it should be estimated.

Charge Per Landing

Inside CONUS - 0.20/1,000 pounds or any portion thereof with a minimum of $5.

Outside CONUS - 0.30/1,000 pounds or any portion thereof with a minimum of $7.50.

(d) Parking and storage fees. Fixed and rotary wing aircraft parking and storage fees are based upon the gross takeoff weight of the aircraft as follows:

(1) Outside a hangar. Charges begin 6 hours after the aircraft lands. The rate is 10 cents per thousand pounds for each 24-hour period or fraction thereof, with a minimum charge of $1.50 per aircraft.

(2) Inside a hangar. Charges begin as soon as the aircraft is placed inside the hangar. The rate is 20 cents per 1,000 pounds for each 24-hour period or fraction thereof, with a minimum charge of $5 per aircraft.

(e) Reimbursement. Collections incident to direct (out of pocket) costs will be credited to local operating and maintenance funds. All other collections, such as for landing, parking, and storage fees will be credited to Navy General Fund Receipt Account 172426. Accumulation of costs and preparation of billing documents are prescribed in paragraphs 032500-032503 of the NAVCOMPT Manual.

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