Navy and Marine Corps absentees; rewards.

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§ 765.12 Navy and Marine Corps absentees; rewards.

The following is set forth as it applies to Navy and Marine Corps absentees. The term “absentee,” as used in this section, refers to a service member who commits the offense of absence without leave. Cf. article 86 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (10 U.S.C. 886).

(a) Payment of rewards -

(1) Authority. When authorized by military officials of the Armed Forces, any civil officer having authority to arrest offenders may apprehend an individual absent without leave from the military service of the United States and deliver him into custody of the military authorities. The receipt of Absentee Wanted by the Armed Forces (DD Form 553) or oral or written notification from military officials or Federal law enforcement officials that the person is absent and that his return to military control is desired is authority for apprehension and will be considered as an offer of a reward. When such a reward has been offered, persons or agency representatives (except salaried officers or employees of the Federal Government, or service members) apprehending or delivering absentees or deserters to military control will be entitled to a payment of

(i) $50 for the apprehension and detention until military authorities assume control, or

(ii) $75 for the apprehension and delivery to military control.

Payment of reward will be made to the person or agency representative actually making the arrest and the turnover or delivery to military control. If two or more persons or agencies join in performing these services, payment may be made jointly or severally but the total payment or payments will not exceed $50 or $75 as applicable. Payment of a reward is authorized whether the absentee or deserter voluntarily surrenders to civil authorities or is apprehended. Payment is not authorized for information merely leading to the apprehension of an absentee or deserter.

(2) Payment procedure. The disbursing officer, special disbursing agent or agent officer of the military activity to which an absentee or deserter is first delivered will be responsible for payment of the reward. Payment of rewards will be made on SF 1034 or NAVCOMPT Form 2277 supported by a copy of DD Form 553 or other form or notification that an individual is absent and that his return to military control is desired, and a statement signed by the claimant specifying that he apprehended (or accepted voluntary surrender) and detained the absentee or deserter until military authorities assumed control, or that he apprehended (or accepted voluntary surrender) and delivered the absentee or deserter to military control. If oral notification was made in lieu of written notification, the claimant will so certify and provide the date of notification and the name, rank or rate, title, and organization of the person who made the authorized notice of reward for apprehension of the absentee or deserter.

(b) Reimbursement for actual expenses -

(1) Authority. When a reward has not been offered or when conditions for payment of a reward otherwise cannot be met, reimbursement, not to exceed $75, may be made to any person or agency for actual expenses incurred in the apprehension and detention or delivery to military control of an absentee or deserter. If two or more persons or agencies join in performing these services, payment may be made jointly or severally, but the total payment or payments may not exceed $25. Reimbursement may not be made for the same apprehension and detention or delivery for which a reward has been paid. Actual expenses for which reimbursement may be made include:

(i) Transportation costs, including mileage at the rate established by the Joint Travel Regulation for travel by privately owned vehicle, for a round trip from either the place of apprehension or civil police headquarters to place of return to military control;

(ii) Meals furnished the service member for which the cost was assumed by the apprehending person or agency representative;

(iii) Telephone or telegraph communication costs;

(iv) Damages to property of the apprehending person or agency if caused directly by the service member during the apprehension, detention, or delivery;

(v) Such other reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the actual apprehension, detention, or delivery as may be considered justifiable and reimbursable by the commanding officer. Reimbursement will not be made for:

(a) Lodging at nonmilitary confinement facilities;

(b) Transportation performed by the use of official Federal, State, county, or municipal vehicles;

(c) Personal services of the apprehending, detaining, or delivering person or agency.

(2) Payment procedure. The disbursing officer or special disbursing agent of the military activity to which an absentee or deserter is first delivered will be responsible for making reimbursement for actual expenses. Reimbursement will be effected on SF 1034 or NAVCOMPT Form 2277 supported by an itemized statement in triplicate signed by the claimant and approved by the commanding officer.

(c) Reimbursement for subsistence furnished -

(1) Authority. Civil authorities may be reimbursed for the cost of subsistence furnished absentees or deserters placed in their custody for safekeeping at the request of military authorities. Such reimbursement will be in addition to rewards and reimbursement for actual expenses authorized in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.

(2) Payment procedure. The disbursing officer or special disbursing agent of the military activity requesting the safekeeping confinement will be responsible for making reimbursement for subsistence furnished by civil authorities. Reimbursement will be effected on SF 1034 or NAVCOMPT Form 2277 supported by an itemized statement signed by the claimant and approved by the officer who requested the confinement.

(d) Nothing said in this section shall be construed to restrict or exclude authority to apprehend an offender in accordance with law.

[25 FR 1075, Feb. 6, 1960, as amended at 51 FR 22283, June 19, 1986; 65 FR 53172, Sept. 1, 2000]

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