In the interest of obtaining maximum uniformity, the following criteria are established for the appointment of doctors of osteopathy as medical officers:
(a) To be eligible for appointment as Medical Corps officers in the Army and Navy or designated as medical officers in the Air Force, a doctor of osteopathy must:
(1) Be a citizen of the United States;
(2) Be a graduate of a college of osteopathy whose graduates are eligible for licensure to practice medicine or surgery in a majority of the States, and be licensed to practice medicine, surgery, or osteopathy in one of the States or Territories of the United States or in the District of Columbia;
(3) Possess such qualifications as the Secretary concerned may prescribe for his service, after considering the recommendations for such appointment by the Surgeon General of the Army or the Air Force or the Chief of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery of the Navy;
(4) Have completed a minimum of three years college work prior to entrance into a college of osteopathy;
(5) Have completed a four-year course with a degree of Doctor of Osteopathy from a school of osteopathy approved by the American Osteopathic Association; and
(6) Have had subsequent to graduation from an approved school of osteopathy 12 months or more of intern or residency training approved by the American Osteopathic Association.
(b) [Reserved]