Duties and functions of boards.

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§ 631.9 Duties and functions of boards.

The AFDCBs will -

(a) Meet as prescribed by appendix A of this part.

(b) Receive reports, and take appropriate action on conditions in their area of responsibility relating to any of the following -

(1) Disorders and lack of discipline.

(2) Prostitution.

(3) Sexually transmitted disease.

(4) Liquor violations.

(5) Racial and other discriminatory practices.

(6) Alcohol and drug abuse.

(7) Drug abuse paraphernalia.

(8) Criminal or illegal activities involving cults or hate groups.

(9) Illicit gambling.

(10) Areas susceptible to terrorist activity.

(11) Unfair commercial or consumer practices.

(12) Other undesirable conditions deemed unsafe which may adversely affect the health and well being of military personnel or their families.

(c) Report to all major commanders in the board's area of responsibility -

(1) Conditions cited in paragraph (b) of this section.

(2) Recommended action as approved by the board's sponsoring commander.

(d) Coordinate with appropriate civil authorities on problems or adverse conditions existing in the board's area of jurisdiction.

(e) Make recommendations to commanders in the board's area of jurisdiction concerning off-installation procedures to prevent or control undesirable conditions.

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