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§ 631.6 Responsibilities.

(a) Regional Directors of the Army Installation Management Agency, Air Force commanders, Navy regional commanders, Marine Corps commanders, and Coast Guard commanders will -

(1) Determine level and degree of participation by subordinate commanders in joint Service boards, when appropriate.

(2) Resolve differences among subordinate commanders regarding board areas of responsibility, and the designation of sponsoring commanders.

(3) Evaluate board recommendations, and actions from subordinate sponsoring commanders.

(4) Forward recommendations to HQDA, OPMG (DAPM-MPD-LE), WASH DC 20310-2800, regarding circumstances that require Service headquarters action or programs having widespread applicability.

(5) Ensure that subordinate commanders assess the availability of drug abuse paraphernalia in the vicinity of Department of Defense (DOD) installations through their AFDCBs, according to DOD Directive 1010.4. Coast Guard commanders should refer to COMDTINST M1000.6 series, chapter 20, for guidance on Coast Guard substance abuse policies.

(b) Military installation commanders for off-installation enforcement actions will -

(1) Conduct off-installation operations as authorized by law and Service policy.

(2) Coordinate off-installation operations with other Service commanders, as applicable, for uniformity of effort, and economy of resources.

(3) Assist Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies within the limits imposed by law and DOD policy.

(c) Sponsoring commanders will provide administrative support for AFDCB programs to include the following -

(1) Promulgating implementing directives, and convening the board.

(2) Providing a recorder for the board.

(3) Providing copies of the minutes of board meetings to other Service commanders who are represented on the board, and to other AFDCBs as appropriate.

(4) Approving or disapproving the minutes, and recommendations of the board, and making appropriate distribution, as required.

(5) Publishing lists of “off-limits” establishments and areas.

(6) Ensuring that responsible individuals are notified of any unfavorable actions being contemplated or taken regarding their establishments per Annex A of appendix A of this part.

(7) Distributing pertinent information to the following -

(i) All units within their jurisdictional area.

(ii) Units stationed in other areas whose personnel frequent their area of jurisdiction.

(8) Ensuring that procedures are established to inform all Service personnel, including those who may be visiting or are in a travel status, of off-limits restrictions in effect within the respective AFDCB's jurisdictional area.

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