Sales of ordnance property to individuals, non-Federal government agencies, institutions, and organizations.

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§ 621.2 Sales of ordnance property to individuals, non-Federal government agencies, institutions, and organizations.

(a) General. This section -

(1) Cites the statutory authority for, and prescribes the methods and conditions of sale of certain weapons, ammunition, and related items as specified herein.

(2) Applies to all sales of weapons and related material to individuals, organizations, and institutions, when authorized by the US Army Armament Materiel Readiness Command (ARRCOM), and overseas commanders.

(3) Provides that sales under this section will be limited to quantities of an item which authorized purchasers can put to their own use. It is not intended that property be sold under the provisions of this section for the purpose or resale or other disposition.

(4) Does not apply to sales of property determined to be surplus. (See AR 755 series.)

(b) Price. Except as noted below, when sales of the Army property are made and the title thereto passes from the US Government, the prices charged will be the standard list price contained in the SC 1305/30 Management Data List series, plus cost of packing, crating, and handling and administrative charges.

(c) Condition of sale. Provisions apply to sales under this section, as follows:

(1) Sales will be made without expense to the Government.

(i) All costs incident to sales (including packing, crating, handling, etc.) will be paid in advance by the purchaser.

(ii) All costs incident to shipment (transportation, parcel post charges, etc.) will also be paid by the customer.

(iii) Payment for items and charges incident to sale will be made only by cashier's check, certified check, bank money order, or postal money order made payable to the Treasurer of the United States.

(iv) For other than items of ammunition and ammunition components, cash will be acceptable when consignee pickup is authorized or purchase is made in person.

(2) All financial transactions will be accomplished in accordance with applicable Department of the Army directives and regulations. Moneys collected for cost of items, as well as packing, crating, and handling, will be deposited as an appropriate reimbursement as prescribed in applicable regulations.

(3) Generally, all sales are final and, normally, the US Government assumes no obligation or responsibility for repair, replacement, or exchange, except as provided in AR 920-20. Purchasers will be so advised prior to making the sale. All weapons sold, however, will be safe for firing.

(4) Weapons sold at standard price will be supplied with equipment. Weapons sold at less than standard price will be supplied less equipment.

(5) Sales of specific items may be suspended at any time by the direction of CDR, ARRCOM.

(d) Purchasing procedure.

(1) Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, all requests originating within CONUS for the purchase of small arms weapons, repair parts, cleaning, preserving, and target material will be submitted to the Commander, ARRCOM, Rock Island, IL 61201.

(i) Upon approval, these items will be shipped from Army depots stocking such material, based upon availability of material. Customers will be furnished instructions for submission of remittance.

(ii) Upon receipt of proper remittance from eligible customers ARRCOM will issue the necessary documents directing shipment from an Army depot where the items are available.

(2) In implementing the subchapter, oversea commands should designate installations within the oversea command to which requests for purchase of ammunition and related material will be directed.

(3) Depots shipping weapons to individuals, Director of Civilian Marksmanship (DCM) affiliated rifle and pistol “clubs”, museums, veterans organizations, and other US Government agencies will annotate shipping documents with the serial number of all the weapons they ship. Firearms shipped will be reported to Commander, ARRCOM, ATTN: DR SAR-MMD-D, Rock Island, IL 61202, using DA Form 3535 (Weapons Sales Record), DA Form 3535 may be obtained from Commander, Letterkenny Army Depot, ATTN: DRXLE-ATD, Chambersburg, PA 17201.

(i) The transportation officer will ascertain estimated transportation costs, to include DA transportation security measures (costs) for shipment to destination. Such information will be transmitted by letter to consignee with request for acknowledgement that shipment will be accepted based on costs submitted.

(ii) Shipment will not be made unless consignee agrees to accept shipments. Refusal to accept shipment shall be reported to ARRCOM.

(4) CDR, ARRCOM is responsible for maintaining a record by serial number of all weapons reported by depot in accordance with paragraph (d)(3) of this section. He will establish procedures to screen purchase requests to insure compliance with any limitations established by this section.

(e) Sales to individuals, organizations, and institutions.

(1) Sales of small arms weapons and ammunition are limited by statute (10 U.S.C. 4308). Such sales will be made in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph and with other rules and regulations approved by the Secretary of the Army.

(2) Sales will be limited to M1 service rifles, either national match grade or service grade. Only one such rifle and spare parts for it will be sold to an individual. No ammunition will be sold to individuals.

(3) Junior marksmanship clubs and junior marksmanship division affiliated within the Director of Civilian Marksmanship (DCM) pursuant to AR 920-20 may purchase limited quantities of .22 caliber ammunition.

(4) The DCM will determine the maximum quantity of such ammunition that clubs will be permitted to purchase in each fiscal year.

(5) Approved, non-profit summer camp organizations that are of a civic nature are allowed to purchase from the DCM at cost plus shipping and handling charges, 300 rounds of .22 caliber ammunition for each junior who is participating in a summer camp marksmanship program.

(6) Requests for purchase of ammunition by marksmanship clubs and summer camp organizations will be submitted to the DCM for approval. If he approves, the application will be forwarded to ARRCOM for processing. If it is disapproved, it is returned to applicant with reason(s) stated for disapproval.

(f) Eligibility of purchasers. In order to purchase a rifle under this program, an individual must:

(1) Be a member of a marksmanship club affiliated with the DCM (AR 920-20).

(2) Based upon regular competitive shooting, have an established status as a marksman as determined by the DCM.

(g) Purchase procedure.

(1) Individuals desiring to purchase National Match Grade M1 service rifles will submit requests to the Director of Civilian Marksmanship, Department of the Army, Washington, DC 20314-0110. The request should contain the name and address of the shooting club with which the purchaser is affiliated and appropriate evidence of status as a competitive marksman.

(2) Upon receipt of a request, the Director of Civilian Marksmanship will forward to the individual a Certificate for Purchase of Firearms in the suggested format at figure 5-1 to be completed, notarized and returned. When returned with check or arrangements for payment, the Certificate will be referred for appropriate verification in the records of US Government agencies and for other investigation as required. This is done to insure that the sale of a weapon to the applicant is not likely to result in a violation of law. The Privacy Act Statement for Certificate of Purchase of Firearms (figure 5-2) will be made available to the individual supplying data on the Certificate for Purchase of Firearms (suggested format, figure 5-1). Prior to requesting the individual to supply data on the Certificate for Purchase of Firearms (suggested format, figure 5-1) the Privacy Act Statement for Certificate will be made available to the individual concerned. (The Privacy Act Statement will be reproduced locally on 8 × 1012 inch paper.)

(i) A purchase application will be denied if the applicant fails to meet all the conditions required in the Certificate.

(ii) If an application is denied, the applicant will be informed of the action and will be given an opportunity to submit additional information justifying approval of the application.

(iii) If the results of the investigation are favorable, the application will be forwarded to ARRCOM for processing.

(h) Marksmanship clubs affiliated with the DCM and individuals who are members of those clubs are authorized to purchase from the Army targets of types not otherwise available from commercial sources. Request for such purchases will be submitted to the Director of Civilian Marksmanship for approval and processing. Individuals who have in the past purchased rifles from the Army under the authority of 10 U.S.C. 4308(a)(5), may purchase spare parts for those rifles if the parts are available. Requests for purchase of spare parts will be submitted to the Director of Civilian Marksmanship for approval. If he/she approves the application, she/he will forward it to ARRCOM for processing. If he/she disapproves the application, she/he will return it to the applicant stating the reasons for disapproval. Current DA transportation security measures for weapons will be applied under procedures contained in paragraphs (d)(1) (i) and (ii) of this section.

(i) Cadets, US Military Academy.

(1) When approved by the CDR DARCOM, the Superintendent, US Military Academy may sell to cadets upon graduation from the Academy those sabers which no longer meet prescribed standards of appearance and/or serviceability.

(2) Application to purchase sabers under these provisions will be made in accordance with procedures established by the Superintendent.

(j) Reserve Officer's Training Corps (ROTC) and National Defense Cadet Corps (NDCC). Supplies required by educational institution for the training of units and individuals of the Reserve Officer's Training Corps and National Defense Cadet Corps, in addition to authorized items normally furnished to ROTC and NDCC schools, may be sold when available by the activities listed in paragraph (g) of this section (10 U.S.C. 4627). Such purchases will be in accordance with AR 145-2.

(k) Manufacturers and designers.

(1) Under the provisions of 10 U.S.C. 4506, the Secretary of the Army is authorized to sell to contractors or potential contractors such samples, drawings, and manufacturing and other information as he considers best for national defense. Procedures for such sale are contained in APP 13-1502.

(2) Under the provisions of 10, U.S.C. 4507, the Secretary of the Army may sell to designers who are nationals of the United States, serviceable ordnance and ordnance stores necessary in the development of designs for the Armed Forces. Designers will submit application to purchase to the appropriate Commodity Command.

(3) If any item normally requiring demilitarization pursuant to the Defense Disposal Manual (DoD 4160.21-M) and the AR 755-series is sold, a special condition of sale will prohibit further disposition by the purchaser without prior approval of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Department of the Army.

(l) Sales of individual pieces of U.S. armament for sentimental reasons. Under the provisions of 10 U.S.C. 2574, individual pieces of U.S. armament, which are not needed for their historical value and can be advantageously replaced, may be sold at a price not less than cost when there exists for such sale sentimental reasons adequate in the judgment of the Secretary of the Army.

(m) Method of sale.

(1) Applications to purchase under the provisions of this act will be submitted to Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, ATTN: DALO-SMS, Department of the Army, with a complete identification including serial number, and location of desired item, if known.

(2) Approved applications for major items will be forwarded through Commander, U.S. Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command, ATTN: DRCMM-SP, to the Commander, U.S. Army Armament Materiel Readiness Command.

[44 FR 5651, Jan. 29, 1979, as amended at 54 FR 48097, Nov. 21, 1989]

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