Army Discharge Review Board.

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§ 581.2 Army Discharge Review Board.

(a) Purpose. This regulation implements 10 U.S.C. 1553, Pub. L. 95-126, and DOD Directive 1332.28 (app. A).

(b) Explanation of terms -

(1) Legal consultant of the Army Discharge Review Board (ADRB). An officer of The Judge Advocate General's Corps assigned to the ADRB to provide opinions and guidance on legal matters relating to ADRB functions.

(2) Medical consultant of the ADRB. An officer of the Army Medical Corps assigned to the ADRB to provide opinions and guidance on medical matters relating to ADRB functions.

(3) Video tape hearing. A hearing conducted by an ADRB hearing examiner at which an applicant is given the opportunity to present his/her appeal to the hearing examiner, with the entire presentation, including cross-examination by the hearing examiner, recorded on video tape. This video tape presentation is later displayed to a full ADRB panel. Video tape hearings will be conducted only with the consent of the applicant and with the concurrence of the President of the ADRB.

(c) Composition and responsibilities -

(1) Authority. The ADRB is established under Pub. L. 95-126 and 10 U.S.C. 1553 and is responsible for the implementation of the Discharge Review Board (DRB) procedures and standards within DA.

(2) The ADRB president. The president is designated by the Secretary of the Army (SA). The President -

(i) Is responsible for the operation of the ADRB.

(ii) Prescribes the operating procedures of the ADRB.

(iii) Designates officers to sit on panels.

(iv) Schedules panels to hear discharge review appeals.

(v) Monitors the DOD directed responsibilities of the SA on service discharge review matters for the DOD.

(3) ADRB panels and members. The ADRB will have one or more panels. Each panel, when in deliberation, will consist of five officers. The senior officer (or as designated by the president ADRB) will act as the presiding officer.

(4) Secretary Recorder (SR) Branch. The Chief, SR -

(i) Ensures the efficient overall operation and support of the ADRB panels.

(ii) Authenticates the case report and directives of cases heard.

(5) Secretary Recorder. The SR is an officer assigned to the SR Branch whose duties are to -

(i) Schedule, coordinate, and arrange for panel hearings at a designated site.

(ii) Administer oaths to applicants and witnesses under Article 136 UCMJ.

(iii) Ensure that the proceedings of the cases heard and recorded into the case report and directive of cases.

(6) Administrative Specialist. An Administrative Specialist is an enlisted member assigned to the SR Branch whose duties are to -

(i) Assist the SR in arranging panel hearings.

(ii) Operate and maintain video and voice recording equipment.

(iii) Aid the SR in the administrative operations of the panels.

(7) Administrative personnel. Such administrative personnel as are required for the proper functions of the ADRB and its panels will be furnished by the SA.

(d) Special standards.

(1) Under the November 27, 1979, order of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia in “Giles v. Secretary of the Army” (Civil Action No. 77-0904), a former Army service member is entitled to an honorable discharge if a less than honorable discharge was issued to the service member who was discharged before 1 January 1975 as a result of an administrative proceeding in which the Army introduced evidence developed by or as a direct or indirect result of compelled urinalysis testing administered for the purpose of identifying drug abusers (either for the purpose of entry into a treatment program or to monitor progress through rehabilitation or follow up).

(2) Applicants who believe they fall within the scope of paragraph (d)(1) of this section should place the work CATEGORY “G” in block 7, DD Form 293, (Application for Review of Discharge or Dismissal from the Armed Forces of the United States). Such applications will be reviewed expeditiously by a designated official who will either send the individual an honorable discharge certificate if the individual falls within the scope of paragraph (d)(1) of this section or forward the application to the ADRB if the individual does not fall within the scope of paragraph (d)(1) of this section. The action of the designated official will not constitute an action or decision by the ADRB.

[50 FR 33035, Aug. 16, 1985]

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